Saturday, June 9, 2007

ONLY GOD by Winsome Smith

[This was posted to a group I'm in, and I really thought it was powerful, so I'm sharing it here... it was supposedly taken from this website.]

"The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." (Psalm 145:18)

We like to feel that we're capable, in control. We know our goals, our resources, and our limitations. We expect minor obstacles on the path, of course, but most of us face times in life when we feel quite self-sufficient.

Dare we name that self-sufficiency for what it is? When we attempt to live our lives on our own terms, we fall victim to some of the oldest lies. They go back to the Garden. We think God has withheld something that would make life more fulfilling, that our way is better, and that we can do life on our own. Pride tells us that we can live life on our own terms and in our own power.

Eventually we face problems and challenges that introduce a note of frustration into our lives. We are faced with a relationship gone sour, a loved one who is suffering, a need that is bigger than we can handle. We may enlist the help or concern of friends or family. Then we realize that they too are unable to make the problem go away. "It's impossible," we say, and we turn away in discouragement.

Is it possible, dear one, that the challenge you face is the key to a deep, profound joy, one rooted in intimacy with God Almighty? An overwhelming task, a difficult relationship, the burden on your heart can drive you to a deeper dependence on God Himself. Is there some impossibility facing you that you cannot manage on your own? Have you become tired of trying? Invite the God of the impossible into that place.

God alone can change hearts, renew minds, and restore relationships so that they mirror the Father's relationship with His Son. God alone can bring an abiding peace in hearts that have been set in opposition to Him and to one another. God alone can take unspeakable pain and turn it into a place of blessing. God alone can turn mourning to joy and desperation to a rock-solid hope. God alone can make us new.

Only God specializes in the impossible. Will you join with me today in asking God for what only He can do? Take time to talk to Him today about the impossibilities in your life and the lives of those you love.

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