Friday, April 9, 2010

Wishful Wednesdays...

"I wish .... I had the willpower to
stay on one particular diet,
and it would be _________."

Not a "diet" at all! ;)

I'm more a fan of eating what you love... but in moderation. And, the "plan" that works for me is THE EDEN DIET (don't be fooled by its name, though, as it's FAR from any regular "diet"... it's more of a lifestyle makeover). ;)

Basically, you wait for your inner cues to tell you WHEN you're hungry, WHAT you want to eat, and HOW MUCH to eat to feel satisfied (but not stuffed).

And, I know this works, 'cause I used a similar method back in 2005, and lost 25 lbs in 6 months! ;)

((See more answers HERE.))

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Insight: Galatians 5:7

This morning, I was reading Galatians as part of my Bible study homework, and I came upon verse 7, which gave me an insight...

Galatians 5:7 says, "You were running a good race ~
who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the Truth?"

This made me think back to 2005, when I was first learning how to follow my hunger/fullness cues, via Thin Within. I had big successes (thanks to God), and lost 25 lbs in 6 months. I was "running a good race". But, when Christmas time came along, I let people convince me to eat when I wasn't hungry, and I stopped listening to my internal cues. Then I beat myself up (mentally) for having slipped and regained a few pounds, which made me eat more to soothe my emotions, and I therefore gained more weight... in other words, Satan "cut in on me" and he "kept me from obeying the Truth" that I could keep losing if I just got back to following my internal cues.

And, ever since, I've been "kept from obeying the truth" because I've been blinded by the lies that the world has the answer for me -- that I can lose weight (for good, that is) any other way than by going back to following my internal weight control system, given to me by God at birth.

Thank the Lord, I am no longer "blind" to the Truth! ;)