Saturday, March 27, 2010

Following the Leader

In reading my new book, "The Eden Diet", and Dr. Rita's blog posts about her plan, I've been remembering so many aspects of the hunger-fullness (h/f) method that I'd forgotten over the last 5 years.

I love how Dr. Rita has reminded me that God has designed my body to KNOW...

- when to eat
- what to eat
- and how much to eat

We have an Internal God-Given Weight-Control Program... It's been built right in since the very beginning, before we were born! We just have to be alert, and pay attention, in order to access it.

By refocusing, I'm remembering that my body will tell me what foods I am craving, and that by eating chocolate when I'm hungry, I'm not going to gain weight -- I may even lose it!

I don't have to make a bunch of "rules" for myself to follow (which is one of the mistakes I've been making in the past 5 years), including cutting out certain foods, or eating at certain times. I just have to relax and trust my internal cues to let me know what I need and when.

My problem is that I've been allowing the "dieting dogma" to invade my mind, and convince me that my internal cues are misleading. The worldly knowledge had me believing that I couldn't wait for hunger pangs, or I'd get a headache, or I'd get too shaky, and that that would be "terrible"... I wouldn't be able to handle it. And, it convinced me that I had to eat only x-number of times per day or else I'd be gaining weight instead of losing it. I kept thinking that I needed to stay away from chocolate and other treats because they were my "downfall".

Meanwhile, back when I was following my internal system in 2005, I was eating chocolate and cheeseburgers and ice cream, and I was losing 2-4 pounds per week! And, I was eating as many times per day as I got truly hungry. And, waiting for my hunger pangs didn't kill me -- I could handle the mild headaches or shakiness... I would eat, and those symptoms would go away!

It's so freeing to go back to what I know works for me... to just let go, and trust in the way God designed my body to work.

Thank you, Lord, for leading me back to the TRUTH! ;)

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